Saturday, January 18, 2014

the lone bellow.

So have you ever experienced that thing that happens when your soul crashes into your skin and you realize that you want to express more than your body will allow you to? That thing that makes you want to fling your arms open just to get it out or fist pump or yell or shake someone and say, "Do you understand how awesome this is?!"

Music does this to me. And most recently, The Lone Bellow did this to me. My friend recommended it and so I bought the album without ever having heard a note. And wow. Best purchase in a long time. As I started listening in my car, I continued to turn the volume up, turn the volume up, turn the volume up. And I found myself continuing to drive just so I could keep listening.

From the very first note in 'Green Eyes and a Heart of Gold' I knew that I would love it all. I don't know if it's the music, the lyrics, the sounds of those three voices together, or all of it. But it is absolutely amazing and eventually brought me to tears.

Lyrics like these from 'Bleeding Out':
All the buildings, they lean and they smile down on us
And they shout from their rooftops words we can’t trust
Like you’re dead, you are tired, you’re ruined, you’re dust
Oh, you won’t ‘mount to nothing, like thanks full of rust

But we scream back at them from below on the street
All in unison we sing, our time’s been redeemed
We are all of the beauty that has not been seen
We are full of the color that’s never been dreamed

And these from 'Tree to Grow':
A tree I’ll grow, to let you know
My love is older than my soul

You should listen to these songs. You should listen to these words. Let them transport you and let them affect you.